Wednesday 28 November 2007

End Of Term

Well finally, end of term and our film has been re-pitched! Overall the pitch went very well we all thought and the animatic that we slaved over for so many hours went down fantastic with many people coming upto us and saying how good it was. This past week has been manic with all the other end of term things as well such as the essays and presentations! The past two nights ive been up until 3 am working and slaving away and im in serious need of some good sleep. Its all been worth it though. As far as what ive actually been doing, well having finished the draft animatic i then helped to an extent with the final one by sourcing sound effects for the film and generally having input at certain areas and unfortunately i got stuck with the job of scanning every image in, which took ages to say the least. Aside from that Jonno also asked me to prepare presentation slides for our re-pitch of the film, which took a while to collaborate together. Heres the final animatic version!

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