Now that we have began rendering the house interior needed to be lit; having already modelled and textured the kitchen i now had to light it. I have also been given the texturing for the hallway and have taken up what Rob had previously started. Obviously i am not a lighter but i am pleased with the outcomes i have been able to achieve. Initially i was aiming for a light orangery/yellow to the scene as i imagined it to be very early hours of the morning where the sun had just began to rise; however Jonno wanted it so that it was clear it was the middle of the night as opposed to early morning. I therefore changed the lighting to be more of a moonlight feel. I am happy with both the kitchen and the hallway and feel that the light coming from outside through the windows gives that extra touch to the scene. Although my primary area of modelling and rigging is over i feel i have been able to offer help with both the texturing and lighting for the project.
So for the past few week or so ive been working on texturing the kitchen ready for the film; having modelled and uv'ed the kitchen it only made sense for me to texture it also. Jonno wanted quite a modern feel to the kitchen so textures were kept quite clean and nothing too fancy to fit with the style of the house. I found it quite a challenge as it is not really my specialism but i am filling in as required to get the film finished. Im very happy now with how it has turned out and can show a small environment from modelling through to texturing. Although it still looks a little plain here once the walls and floor have been textured and the scene has been lit im sure it will look great. So my next task is to finish those off and then move onto the next part, which Jonno will assign me to.
Rob found a few problems with some of the blend shapes for the sleeping guy; when the eyes blinked on one side it moved the eyelid on the opposite side. When both blinked at the same time it messed up. Unfortuntely as we are all aware once a blend shape has been created the only way to fix it is either to delete the cause of the problem or to unbind the skin and re-model the blend shape and re-weight, which would have taken way too much time to fix. I came up with a solution of moving the verts on the blendshape model so that they would not move on the actual rigged character. Agaian in took quite a while but crisis averted and the problem has been solved.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Heres the UV map for the grandfarther clock, which Ben modelled, took quite a while as it was quite intricate and alot of small pieces, which took time to map correctly.
Monday, 12 May 2008
So for the past couple of weeks ive been brought in to UV parts of the environment and the assets/contents for them. Having already modelled the kitchen i was then assigned to UV it also. I had to learn how to UV properly first so Rob gave me a quick run through on the basics and the rest just came with practice and my own mistakes and learning through them. Im glad i now have learned how to UV as it will prove usefull when texturing my own characters when i graduate. Here are a few screen shots to show the completed kitchen ready for texturing. Ive also uv'ed a few objects around the house such as the grandfarther clock and other assets within the house. The plan is now to begin texturing so all is coming together nicely now.