At the beginning of this week we had a tutorial or small review of how our story was developing; having received some constructive criticism about our idea we decided to alter some aspects of the story; along with Rob & Jonno we spent a large part of the day reading over our scene and shot breakdown and making alterations when necessary. Even though we spent such a large amount of time developing the story making changes to both the center section and the ending we feel it developed to such a degree that we are very satisfied with how it currently stands.
Along with Jonno i also helped to create a production timetable for the project from now until when we finish; although this is quite long term and vague in areas it does help us to foresee what we need to be doing and when. We feel that it will give the group and project some direction and therefore we can manage our time more effectively. We do also intend to do a weekly production timetable at the start of each week so that each member knows precisely what they have to do and when it needs to be finalized by.
Now that we feel the story has developed to a degree that we are satisfied i am now able to move onto concept, which a few members had already began regarding the characters. The whole team is now involved in creating both character and environment concept for the film and we intend to finalize our characters for further development in the next upcoming week.
Now that concept for the project is fully underway we have decided that we need to create a map for both the external environment of the jungle, which will be very basic as there are limited shots of the jungle as well as a map for the interior of the temple. We have decided between us that the temple needs to be quite vast and open, however due to the traps we need to create a narrow path for the explorer to follow; meaning he has to go through the traps as opposed to simply walking round them. Although we intend to create an intended path we still need to give the impression of a vast temple. To do this we have decided that bits of crumbled wall and vegetation along with large tree roots that have grown into the temple will help to determine a specific path that the explorer must follow while retaining the image of a vast open room.
Along with an environment map we have also looked at the traps themselves and which ones we may use in the temple, after some discussion we have decided that the traps are as follows; Poisoned Darts, knives/blades and then a swinging hammer/pillar. To illustrate this we have began designing a few initial sketches for these contraptions.